New Year Resolutions Don’t Work For Me

I will not be making any resolutions this year. In truth, it has been a long time since I last made any. There is one simple reason for this: I am incapable of keeping them and will therefore save myself the guilt trip by avoiding them altogether. I also feel that somehow making resolutions goes against my cynical and realist outlook to life.

A few years ago, I might have tried to make a list of the few things I would like to change in my life. It has always resulted in a disappointing failure. A regular list-topper was ‘Make better use of my gym membership’. I suspect it is mostly twenty-something people who include this on their list; who else but a young, childless and/or a financially well-off person can actually afford one these days? Unfortunately, I hated every minute I spent at the gym and no amount of ‘it’s good for your health’ argument could motivate me enough to keep going. By mid-March, I would pretty much have given up.

Look at the last two weeks! I wasn’t even able to fulfil my blog-advertised Stollen tasting during the holidays. I have been mentally self-flagellating myself ever since I realised I wouldn’t have time to do it. It will happen since there is a LOT of Stollen in the house, we just haven’t been anywhere near it yet. There’s been too much other food to eat, very yummy and filling things; we’ve been out and away a lot more than I expected and I haven’t been anywhere near the blog even to wish a Merry Christmas to my few faithful followers (thanks for still being here by the way, I can only imagine what a thankless experience it is for you all). What a failure!

Ultimately I fear it is lack of discipline that stops me from pursuing my resolutions to a successful outcome. So I don’t make them anymore. Instead, I shall have a wish list. If I tick anything off, I will be delighted. If I don’t, ah well it was only wishful thinking after all.

Buche de Noel
Chocolate, raspberry and lychee Buche de Noel

So here it is, my (very short) 2012 Wish List

1. Write one blog post entry a week

2. Lose my post pregnancy belly

3. Eat all the Stollen and write about it.

And on this note, I wish you all a very happy New Year 2012; may you all be blessed with good health and exciting new adventures. And if you are able to keep your New Year resolutions, more power to you.

Get Ready For A Stollen-Tasty Adventure

I invite you to join the Frog family in our annual* Stollen tasting extravaganza. Over the next two weeks, we will be conducting a rigorous yet highly subjective tasting experiment, in which we will eat Stollen from a variety of shops and makes; each cake will go through a series of tests and our findings will be posted online, with a 2011 winner announced in the New Year.

The TEST criteria will be as follows:




Presentation/Attractiveness, from 0 = it’s a right old mess to 5 = ain’t it pretty

Amount of Icing Sugar, 0 = faint suspicion to 5 = who snowed on my cake?

Crumb Factor a.k.a moistness, 0 = falling to pieces to 5 = gooey goodness

Taste, 0 = meh to 5 = can you taste the cardamom/rum/hint of citrus peel in that cake?

Marzipan Content, 0 = no Marzipan to 5 = it’s a Marzipanaganza!

Nut and Raisin Content, 0 = it’s all dough to 5 = the perfect mix

Alcohol Content, 0 =  a teetotaler’s heaven to 5 = more, hic, Stollen please, hic!

Each Stollen will get an overall mark out of 5.

Mr Frog, who will from now on be known as Badgerman on this site, as a maths teacher will be tasked with working out the mean average. He is also our in-house Stollen expert and will have the last word on true Stollen goodness, although you will be informed if there is disagreement between us (it is my blog after all).

Stollen-Dresdner Christstollen
Dresden Stollen - Image via Wikipedia

*It is annual in that we did it last year, so it is a repeat. I suspect it might become a Christmas tradition of sorts.

I’m in Chocolate Heaven

I think Lindt might just have made Christmas complete this year.

After 13 years, they have re-introduced the BEST white chocolate in the whole wide earth, ‘white with a touch of vanilla’. It is so more-ish, I used to eat the whole bar walking home from the shops, we are talking a 10 minute walk. I could hardly contain my excitement when I spotted it in the shop. Oh, how am I going to stop myself from eating it now? I. Must. Eat. Now.

Lindt white chocolate

My Wonderful Laughing Baby

From a parent’s point of view, one of the delights of early babyhood is definitely when your little one starts to laugh. There is something really special in the fact that you are able to make them break into peals of laughter. I’ve just spent a half hour tickling Little Girl, blowing raspberries and making funny faces at her, and it has made my day.

baby smile
Billion dollar smile